
Showing posts from July, 2021

July 2021 Bimonthly Blended Assessment

MONTHLY BLENDED ASSIGNMENT (July)  Welcome to my e-log! I am Varshitha Kalidindi, a 2nd year MBBS student. Here is an assignment which was given to me for the month of July. I will be answering it question wise below:- Question 1: Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment :  Please go through one student's entire answer paper from this link, the one who is closest to your own roll number : http://medicinedepartment. batch-medicine-department- online.html?m=1 and share your peer review of each answer with your qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer.  Answer:- The link to the blog of my peer's assignment is given below:- The  The question paper given for the assignment is as follows:-

A case of a 75 year old male

 I am Varshitha Kalidindi, and this is a case that I have come across in the discussion group, described below:- 75 M k/c/o  HTN and DM  (since 8 years)  came with the complaint of LT sided weakness and deviation of mouth to Rt side.  Patient was apparently asymptomatic till 5 pm yesterday (17/7/21)   • At 5 pm - Could not hold the tea cup with his hands and spilled it all over him. Following which his wife applied lotion over his abdomen and they had dinner and watched TV.   • At 2 am - He called his wife because he couldn't move his Lt UL and he couldn't talk properly and there was deviation of the mouth to the Rt. He could not contain his urine - his wife recollects. (he arrived to the hospital with foley's)  • At 5 am - Went to a local hospital which diagnosed him with Lt UL Monoplegia with RT sided  UMN palsy   CT scan was done   • At 9 am - Pt arrived at our hospital. His complaints were the above but we also noticed that he had Lt LL Weakness. Could swallow water whe

144 Varshitha Kalidindi

 Welcome to my e-log! I am Varshitha Kalidindi, a 2nd year MBBS student. Here is an assignment which was given to me and I will be answering it question wise below:- Question 1: Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment :  Please go through one particular answer of ten students in this link: https:// generalmedicinedepartment. bimonthly-formative-and- summative_19.html?m=1 and share your peer review of each answer with your quantitative marking input as well as qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer.  Answer:- R1.The answer that I will be reviewing is from the link given below:- 55 year old female with shortness of breath, pedal edema and facial puffiness Questions 1) What is the evolution of the symptomatology in this patient in terms of an even